Monday, February 06, 2012


A poem by Edward Markham

He drew a circle that shut me out:
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in.

It turns out this was a rather influential poem for me when growing up. It gave me a way to deal with rejection from others that I think was very healthy and constructive.

I just had to dig it up because Timothy was asking about such things... So I decided to capture it for posterity. :)


John Pozzi said...

The Global Resource Bank program settles the world's public debt.

Global Resource Bank

Every person owns one share in the GRB. GRB shareholders' value the earth's wealth of natural resources at six quadrillion GRB ecocredits (e). The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. The GRB ecocredit reserve account supplies shareholder accounts with e40/day for 20 years. Seven hundred trillion ecocredits are invested in ecosystems and 500 trillion in the GRB network. The GRB income account receives ecocredit from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and exchanges ecocredit with the GRB reserve to maintain equilibrium. Two percent of GRB income sustains the GRB network and e40/day goes to fully funded shareholder accounts. GRB shareholders invest 5% of their GRB income in ecosystems. The shareholders ecocredit wealth of natural resources and GRB income distribution rates adjust to the shareholders' feedback. After one year of inactivity GRB accounts revert to the GRB reserve account. The GRB manager is chosen by the majority.

Questions & Answers

Is public debt-money obsolete? Yes.

Must a global medium of exchange value a common asset? Yes.

Are Earth's natural resources everyone's asset? Yes.

Why value our natural resources at e6q with the buying power of US$? Six quadrillion ecocredits secures the lives of more than 7b people.

Why e6q? Seven billion x e40/day x 20 years' = e2.1q, 700t is invested in ecosystems and 500t in the GRB network leaving e2.7q in reserve.

How do we grow natural resources? Natural light, energy, water, soil, food, shelter, climate, land, atmosphere and biodiversity grow with our investments in ecosystems, communications, science, technology, health, education, transportation, information, restoration, conservation, peace, innovation, efficiency, disarmament, recycling, recreation, art, i.e., life.

How do the landless get land? GRB settles public debt for state assets.

Does GRB nullify government, debt, taxes, politics, pollution, corruption, poverty, greed, scarcity, inequality, prejudice, law, conflict and war? Yes.

Does an open GRB network replace the state controlled internet? Yes.

Does everyone enjoy economic security and free telecom for life? Yes.

How are the GRB ecosystem impact charges set? The shareholders' account charge is set by the average impact and commercial account charges are set by their products impact.

Are commercial GRB accounts transparent? Yes.

How do we access our GRB accounts? Biometrically.

Does everyone trade for ecocredit in free global markets? Yes.

Does everyone enjoy a copious natural economy without borders? Yes.

Is GRB a direct democratic network of people who value life? Yes.

Can we begin GRB NOW? Yes! Network GRB. (

Mother Earth News

John Pozzi said...

The Global Resource Bank program settles the world's public debt.

Global Resource Bank

Every person owns one share in the GRB. GRB shareholders' value the earth's wealth of natural resources at six quadrillion GRB ecocredits (e). The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. The GRB ecocredit reserve account supplies shareholder accounts with e40/day for 20 years. Seven hundred trillion ecocredits are invested in ecosystems and 500 trillion in the GRB network. The GRB income account receives ecocredit from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and exchanges ecocredit with the GRB reserve to maintain equilibrium. Two percent of GRB income sustains the GRB network and e40/day goes to fully funded shareholder accounts. GRB shareholders invest 5% of their GRB income in ecosystems. The shareholders ecocredit wealth of natural resources and GRB income distribution rates adjust to the shareholders' feedback. After one year of inactivity GRB accounts revert to the GRB reserve account. The GRB manager is chosen by the majority.

Questions & Answers

Is public debt-money obsolete? Yes.

Must a global medium of exchange value a common asset? Yes.

Are Earth's natural resources everyone's asset? Yes.

Why value our natural resources at e6q with the buying power of US$? Six quadrillion ecocredits secures the lives of more than 7b people.

Why e6q? Seven billion x e40/day x 20 years' = e2.1q, 700t is invested in ecosystems and 500t in the GRB network leaving e2.7q in reserve.

How do we grow natural resources? Natural light, energy, water, soil, food, shelter, climate, land, atmosphere and biodiversity grow with our investments in ecosystems, communications, science, technology, health, education, transportation, information, restoration, conservation, peace, innovation, efficiency, disarmament, recycling, recreation, art, i.e., life.

How do the landless get land? GRB settles public debt for state assets.

Does GRB nullify government, debt, taxes, politics, pollution, corruption, poverty, greed, scarcity, inequality, prejudice, law, conflict and war? Yes.

Does an open GRB network replace the state controlled internet? Yes.

Does everyone enjoy economic security and free telecom for life? Yes.

How are the GRB ecosystem impact charges set? The shareholders' account charge is set by the average impact and commercial account charges are set by their products impact.

Are commercial GRB accounts transparent? Yes.

How do we access our GRB accounts? Biometrically.

Does everyone trade for ecocredit in free global markets? Yes.

Does everyone enjoy a copious natural economy without borders? Yes.

Is GRB a direct democratic network of people who value life? Yes.

Can we begin GRB NOW? Yes! Network GRB. (

Mother Earth News